Workout 3/30/11
Today I exercised my chest and triceps. I recently have been following a popular YouTube guy named Jonathan Ross Barthel (Click Here View Barthel Fitness). Yesterday for the first time i tried his Ebook routine that he posted. My workout started off with some cardio on the bike for a warm up for 10 minutes. Next We went to do flat dumbbell bench press, i start with a very light weight of only 25 lbs and do 25 reps. I do this because i want to stretch and wake-up my upper body muscles before i use alot of weight. This technique allows me to stretch my shoulders and chest very well that way i can use my full ROM (Range of Motion) and get the best pump out of my sets possible. Barthel's chest program has a new strategy than previous ones i have tried... His technique is to do your set, wait 15 seconds, then do as many push ups until failure (or until your body falls and remains on the ground).This strategy gave me one of the best chest pumps i have ever gotten. As you do more sets you may become more fatigued and get less push ups each time. Here is how my workout went.
Bike-10 minute Warm up
Flat Dumbbell Bench
Set 1: 25 lbs per hand x 25
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 push ups(until failure)
Set 2: 45lbs per hand x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 20 push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 60 lbs per hand 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 push ups(until failure)
Set 4: Completed 15 push ups(until failure)
Tricept Extension Machine
Set 1: 100 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips (until failure)
Set 2: 120 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips(until failure)
Set 3: 130 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips(until failure)
Set 4: 140 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Dips(until failure)
Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 95 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Push ups (until failure)
Set 2: 120 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 150 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Push ups(until failure)
Set 4: 170 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 6 Push ups(until failure)
Next I used a dumb bell, sat on a bench, raised the dumb bell above my head, bending my elbows, i lower it behind my head and extend my elbows to work my tricepts. This is another version of a tricept extension.
Seated Tricept Extension #2
Set 1: 50 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Dips (until failure)
Set 2: 65 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Dips(until failure)
Set 3: 75 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 7 Dips(until failure)
Set 4: 90 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Dips(until failure)
Peck Fly's
Set 1: 25 lbs per arm x10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Push ups(until failure)
Set 2: 30 lbs per arm x10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 5 Push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 35 lbs per arm x8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 4 Push ups(until failure)
Set 4: 40 lbs per arm x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 4 Push ups(until failure)
The pump i experienced i would rate 5 stars. I did a fer other minor exercises, but they were not what i would consider a major bulking routine, more so, burn out sets. Today i am VERY sore =)! Looks like i was doing something right.
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