Monday, April 11, 2011

4/10/11 Workout. Chest/Tri's and Cardio

today i went to the mall and bought myself some new gym shoes!!! my friend at champs gave me a reduced price on a new model pair of Nike's! I got the new Nike Free Trainers. these shoes are amazing, light weight, very stylish comfortable and offer me the stability i need while weightlifting.

So there was only one good way to really break these shoes in.... with some cardio! I went for long bike ride. i prefer to ride bikes vs. running. i went for a bike ride for 1 1/2 hours. the weather was superb!

After my cardio i returned home to eat some food before the gym

Pre-Workout Meal:
-1 Chicken breast grilled on the BBQ.
-2 Dinner rolls.
-1 1/2 Scoops of Jack3d
Next, i went to the gym about 20ish minutes later.

The workout started out light on the chest press machine. at 100 lbs i did 20 reps, as my chest warm up to help and stretch out. I did this set very slowly to stretch very well.

2nd set: 140x10
Wait 15 secs. then do push ups until failure.

3rd set: 160x12
Wait 15 secs. then do more push ups until failure.

4th set: 180x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure.

Next, me and my workout partner went to go and do some cable work on our triceps to give out chests a little break between exercises.

Cable Rope Pull-Down (Triceps):
1st Set: 45x15
2nd Set: 50x12
3rd Set: 55x10
4th Set: 55x8

Flat Dumbell Press:
1st Set:40lb Per Hand x 12
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

2nd Set: 50lb Per Hand x10
 Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

3rd Set: 60lb Per Hand x10
 Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

4th Set: 65lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

Next we walked over to the bench press and began incline bench press.

Incline Bench:

1st Set:150 x 12
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

2nd Set: 160 x10
 Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

3rd Set: 160 x10
 Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

4th Set: 170 x 8
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure

I am still using this "push up" technique i learned from Barthel Fitness, iv truly gotten some amazing pumps from this strategy and am noticing that my chest is building faster than before because the push ups shortly after a set really sends a ton of blood flow through my chest muscles.

Next was one of my favorite Tricept Exercises... TRICEPS EXTENSION BABYYY!!!!

Tricept Extension:
I prefer to do my tricept extensions sitting down on a flat bench. Lifting a dumbbell up and above my head, then lowering it behind my head while holding my elbows up right and really ONLY using my tricepts to lift the weight. I like to hold up only one heavy dumbbell and use both arms at the same time.

1st Set:65 x 12
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.

2nd Set: 70 x10
 Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.

3rd Set: 85 x10
 Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.

4th Set: 100 x 8

Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.

Peck Fly's:
Peck Fly's currently REALLY HURT my not yet fully healed wrist. Therefore I can not use a lot of weight yet.
1st Set: 30x10
2nd Set: 35x10
3rd Set: 35x8
4th Set: 40x8

Tricept Extension Machine:
1st Set: 120x10 followed by 10 dips
2nd Set: 130x10 followed by 10 dips
3rd Set: 140x8 followed by 10 dips
4th Set: 150x8 followed by 10 dips

Bench Press:
I was now exhausted by the time i made it to bench press, so we went lightweight for burnout reps. and did on average 6-8 complete push ups until failure.

1st Set: 100x15
2nd Set: 120x12
3rd Set: 100x8
4th Set:100x8

-This workout was intense, not the best chest workout iv had, but i surprised myself with the strength i obtained from my "reserve tank" after this crazy weekend with my friends.... chicks..... and my non-stop social life.

Post Workout Meal:
Tonight mom made some amazing beef ribs on the BBQ. we also had Cesar salad, bread and broccoli and pasta. My mothers cooking is 5-star restaurant status. Every evening meal is killer if my mom cooks it. My mom being a professional runner...... we always eat healthy, and its never ever something frozen out of a cardboard box, she loves to cook and keep the family healthy.

Late last night, about 10:30, i went downstairs and drank a 100% Casein Protein Shake by Optimum Nutrition.


Unfortunately today, i woke up late for school so i didn't have enough time to cook my regular large breakfast, i only had time to fry up 3 eggs and grab a banana for the road. but i will surely make up for this throughout my day. i currently am at school waiting for my next class to start and i have two nice lookin' roast beef sandwiches with me! schools out at 1:20. Then i plan on creating the first Deuce Diamonds Review video on me, myself and the new shoes i bought. and i wanted to clue you all in on something else that's a secret.

Today in the gym i think it is another back and biceps day. I may even create a video instead of just typing out my workout routine here on the blog. Keep Trainin' Hard everybody!!! thanks for all the support!!!

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