Fitness Freak's
Welcome friends to Deuce Diamond's Blog! Here I have created a great workout/fitness resource center. We talk and review about workout routines, products, gear, and work together to make all of us better, fast, stronger!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Sorry its been so long!
Im back on my grind. Had to focus on work and school. But I'm glad to insure you all that ill be updating my blog more often. Hope your all doing well and still training hell hard!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
5/17/11 Killer Arm's Day
Killed my arms tonight. had a great training session. will add new pictures tomorrow if time permits. lifes good. NO PAIN NO GLORY!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Today was a great day.
all my proteins, vitamins, creatine, and minerals all came in 2 days ago and today was the untimate test of the start. this next month is going to be amazing. so motivated. so focused. and shooting for more goals!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Products are starting to arive in the mail.
My SpeedXtream arived, just waiting for some other stuff now. about to have a nice hard days worth of work. Train hard everyone!
Friday, April 29, 2011
4/29/11 (Friday) Chest/Tris
about to go hit the gym rightnow 100% natural. no pre workout no supps besides multi vitamins. taking Amplified mass XXX as my durring workout protein with me. hopefully ill get a good workout, however im not feeling as energetic without the pre-workout.
4/29/11 Shoulders
Looking forward to recieving my new products i ordered. should all be here by about monday. =)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
4/26/11 Back and Biceps
Today was a stellar day, unfortonatly i feel my trainings intensity dropped because i ran out of jack3d... tomorrows pay day and i plan on making a big purchase order with almost my whole check. i'll be making reviews on all the products i buy.
Monday, April 25, 2011
4/25/11 Chest/tri's
Had a good workout, pre-workout took some jack3d and 2 creatine caps, post workout a fatty plate of lasagna w/ lots of meat inside. off to bed for plenty of sleep. also i just drank a casein protein shake and 2 more creatine caps.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
4/24/11 Legs "HAPPY EASTER"
today had a killer super set going for my legs, and i also incorporated my abs. got more than a good workout, im gonna feel this soreness for a week! =)
Post Workout:
-Heavy Carbs (Pasta and Bread) a fatty plate!
-Casein Protein Shake
Post Workout:
-Heavy Carbs (Pasta and Bread) a fatty plate!
-Casein Protein Shake
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
4/10/11 Workout. Chest/Tri's and Cardio
today i went to the mall and bought myself some new gym shoes!!! my friend at champs gave me a reduced price on a new model pair of Nike's! I got the new Nike Free Trainers. these shoes are amazing, light weight, very stylish comfortable and offer me the stability i need while weightlifting.
So there was only one good way to really break these shoes in.... with some cardio! I went for long bike ride. i prefer to ride bikes vs. running. i went for a bike ride for 1 1/2 hours. the weather was superb!
After my cardio i returned home to eat some food before the gym
Pre-Workout Meal:
-1 Chicken breast grilled on the BBQ.
-2 Dinner rolls.
-1 1/2 Scoops of Jack3d
Next, i went to the gym about 20ish minutes later.
The workout started out light on the chest press machine. at 100 lbs i did 20 reps, as my chest warm up to help and stretch out. I did this set very slowly to stretch very well.
2nd set: 140x10
Wait 15 secs. then do push ups until failure.
3rd set: 160x12
Wait 15 secs. then do more push ups until failure.
4th set: 180x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure.
Next, me and my workout partner went to go and do some cable work on our triceps to give out chests a little break between exercises.
Cable Rope Pull-Down (Triceps):
1st Set: 45x15
2nd Set: 50x12
3rd Set: 55x10
4th Set: 55x8
Flat Dumbell Press:
1st Set:40lb Per Hand x 12
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
2nd Set: 50lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
3rd Set: 60lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
4th Set: 65lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
Next we walked over to the bench press and began incline bench press.
Incline Bench:
1st Set:150 x 12
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
2nd Set: 160 x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
3rd Set: 160 x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
4th Set: 170 x 8
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
I am still using this "push up" technique i learned from Barthel Fitness, iv truly gotten some amazing pumps from this strategy and am noticing that my chest is building faster than before because the push ups shortly after a set really sends a ton of blood flow through my chest muscles.
Next was one of my favorite Tricept Exercises... TRICEPS EXTENSION BABYYY!!!!
Tricept Extension:
I prefer to do my tricept extensions sitting down on a flat bench. Lifting a dumbbell up and above my head, then lowering it behind my head while holding my elbows up right and really ONLY using my tricepts to lift the weight. I like to hold up only one heavy dumbbell and use both arms at the same time.
1st Set:65 x 12
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
2nd Set: 70 x10
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
3rd Set: 85 x10
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
4th Set: 100 x 8
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
Peck Fly's:
Peck Fly's currently REALLY HURT my not yet fully healed wrist. Therefore I can not use a lot of weight yet.
1st Set: 30x10
2nd Set: 35x10
3rd Set: 35x8
4th Set: 40x8
Tricept Extension Machine:
1st Set: 120x10 followed by 10 dips
2nd Set: 130x10 followed by 10 dips
3rd Set: 140x8 followed by 10 dips
4th Set: 150x8 followed by 10 dips
Bench Press:
I was now exhausted by the time i made it to bench press, so we went lightweight for burnout reps. and did on average 6-8 complete push ups until failure.
1st Set: 100x15
2nd Set: 120x12
3rd Set: 100x8
4th Set:100x8
-This workout was intense, not the best chest workout iv had, but i surprised myself with the strength i obtained from my "reserve tank" after this crazy weekend with my friends.... chicks..... and my non-stop social life.
Post Workout Meal:
Tonight mom made some amazing beef ribs on the BBQ. we also had Cesar salad, bread and broccoli and pasta. My mothers cooking is 5-star restaurant status. Every evening meal is killer if my mom cooks it. My mom being a professional runner...... we always eat healthy, and its never ever something frozen out of a cardboard box, she loves to cook and keep the family healthy.
Late last night, about 10:30, i went downstairs and drank a 100% Casein Protein Shake by Optimum Nutrition.
Unfortunately today, i woke up late for school so i didn't have enough time to cook my regular large breakfast, i only had time to fry up 3 eggs and grab a banana for the road. but i will surely make up for this throughout my day. i currently am at school waiting for my next class to start and i have two nice lookin' roast beef sandwiches with me! schools out at 1:20. Then i plan on creating the first Deuce Diamonds Review video on me, myself and the new shoes i bought. and i wanted to clue you all in on something else that's a secret.
Today in the gym i think it is another back and biceps day. I may even create a video instead of just typing out my workout routine here on the blog. Keep Trainin' Hard everybody!!! thanks for all the support!!!
So there was only one good way to really break these shoes in.... with some cardio! I went for long bike ride. i prefer to ride bikes vs. running. i went for a bike ride for 1 1/2 hours. the weather was superb!
After my cardio i returned home to eat some food before the gym
Pre-Workout Meal:
-1 Chicken breast grilled on the BBQ.
-2 Dinner rolls.
-1 1/2 Scoops of Jack3d
Next, i went to the gym about 20ish minutes later.
The workout started out light on the chest press machine. at 100 lbs i did 20 reps, as my chest warm up to help and stretch out. I did this set very slowly to stretch very well.
2nd set: 140x10
Wait 15 secs. then do push ups until failure.
3rd set: 160x12
Wait 15 secs. then do more push ups until failure.
4th set: 180x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure.
Next, me and my workout partner went to go and do some cable work on our triceps to give out chests a little break between exercises.
Cable Rope Pull-Down (Triceps):
1st Set: 45x15
2nd Set: 50x12
3rd Set: 55x10
4th Set: 55x8
Flat Dumbell Press:
1st Set:40lb Per Hand x 12
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
2nd Set: 50lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
3rd Set: 60lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
4th Set: 65lb Per Hand x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
Next we walked over to the bench press and began incline bench press.
Incline Bench:
1st Set:150 x 12
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
2nd Set: 160 x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
3rd Set: 160 x10
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
4th Set: 170 x 8
Wait 15 secs. more push ups until failure
I am still using this "push up" technique i learned from Barthel Fitness, iv truly gotten some amazing pumps from this strategy and am noticing that my chest is building faster than before because the push ups shortly after a set really sends a ton of blood flow through my chest muscles.
Next was one of my favorite Tricept Exercises... TRICEPS EXTENSION BABYYY!!!!
Tricept Extension:
I prefer to do my tricept extensions sitting down on a flat bench. Lifting a dumbbell up and above my head, then lowering it behind my head while holding my elbows up right and really ONLY using my tricepts to lift the weight. I like to hold up only one heavy dumbbell and use both arms at the same time.
1st Set:65 x 12
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
2nd Set: 70 x10
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
3rd Set: 85 x10
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
4th Set: 100 x 8
Wait 15 secs. did 10 dips.
Peck Fly's:
Peck Fly's currently REALLY HURT my not yet fully healed wrist. Therefore I can not use a lot of weight yet.
1st Set: 30x10
2nd Set: 35x10
3rd Set: 35x8
4th Set: 40x8
Tricept Extension Machine:
1st Set: 120x10 followed by 10 dips
2nd Set: 130x10 followed by 10 dips
3rd Set: 140x8 followed by 10 dips
4th Set: 150x8 followed by 10 dips
Bench Press:
I was now exhausted by the time i made it to bench press, so we went lightweight for burnout reps. and did on average 6-8 complete push ups until failure.
1st Set: 100x15
2nd Set: 120x12
3rd Set: 100x8
4th Set:100x8
-This workout was intense, not the best chest workout iv had, but i surprised myself with the strength i obtained from my "reserve tank" after this crazy weekend with my friends.... chicks..... and my non-stop social life.
Post Workout Meal:
Tonight mom made some amazing beef ribs on the BBQ. we also had Cesar salad, bread and broccoli and pasta. My mothers cooking is 5-star restaurant status. Every evening meal is killer if my mom cooks it. My mom being a professional runner...... we always eat healthy, and its never ever something frozen out of a cardboard box, she loves to cook and keep the family healthy.
Late last night, about 10:30, i went downstairs and drank a 100% Casein Protein Shake by Optimum Nutrition.
Unfortunately today, i woke up late for school so i didn't have enough time to cook my regular large breakfast, i only had time to fry up 3 eggs and grab a banana for the road. but i will surely make up for this throughout my day. i currently am at school waiting for my next class to start and i have two nice lookin' roast beef sandwiches with me! schools out at 1:20. Then i plan on creating the first Deuce Diamonds Review video on me, myself and the new shoes i bought. and i wanted to clue you all in on something else that's a secret.
Today in the gym i think it is another back and biceps day. I may even create a video instead of just typing out my workout routine here on the blog. Keep Trainin' Hard everybody!!! thanks for all the support!!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
3/31/11 Shoulder's Today
Did shoulders today. killed it! finally back to maxing the shoulder press machiene (170lbs only...). Cant wait to be back to Gold's Gym in about a month. My wrist is healing well. Will upload a pic of my gnarly scar tomorrow. For those of you who dont yet know, in december i had reconstructive sergury on my wrist. Commin back hard baby! Keep Trainin!!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Currently I am working on bulking.
Workout 3/30/11
Today I exercised my chest and triceps. I recently have been following a popular YouTube guy named Jonathan Ross Barthel (Click Here View Barthel Fitness). Yesterday for the first time i tried his Ebook routine that he posted. My workout started off with some cardio on the bike for a warm up for 10 minutes. Next We went to do flat dumbbell bench press, i start with a very light weight of only 25 lbs and do 25 reps. I do this because i want to stretch and wake-up my upper body muscles before i use alot of weight. This technique allows me to stretch my shoulders and chest very well that way i can use my full ROM (Range of Motion) and get the best pump out of my sets possible. Barthel's chest program has a new strategy than previous ones i have tried... His technique is to do your set, wait 15 seconds, then do as many push ups until failure (or until your body falls and remains on the ground).This strategy gave me one of the best chest pumps i have ever gotten. As you do more sets you may become more fatigued and get less push ups each time. Here is how my workout went.
Bike-10 minute Warm up
Flat Dumbbell Bench
Set 1: 25 lbs per hand x 25
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 push ups(until failure)
Set 2: 45lbs per hand x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 20 push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 60 lbs per hand 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 push ups(until failure)
Set 4: Completed 15 push ups(until failure)
Tricept Extension Machine
Set 1: 100 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips (until failure)
Set 2: 120 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips(until failure)
Set 3: 130 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips(until failure)
Set 4: 140 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Dips(until failure)
Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 95 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Push ups (until failure)
Set 2: 120 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 150 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Push ups(until failure)
Set 4: 170 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 6 Push ups(until failure)
Next I used a dumb bell, sat on a bench, raised the dumb bell above my head, bending my elbows, i lower it behind my head and extend my elbows to work my tricepts. This is another version of a tricept extension.
Seated Tricept Extension #2
Set 1: 50 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Dips (until failure)
Set 2: 65 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Dips(until failure)
Set 3: 75 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 7 Dips(until failure)
Set 4: 90 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Dips(until failure)
Peck Fly's
Set 1: 25 lbs per arm x10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Push ups(until failure)
Set 2: 30 lbs per arm x10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 5 Push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 35 lbs per arm x8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 4 Push ups(until failure)
Set 4: 40 lbs per arm x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 4 Push ups(until failure)
The pump i experienced i would rate 5 stars. I did a fer other minor exercises, but they were not what i would consider a major bulking routine, more so, burn out sets. Today i am VERY sore =)! Looks like i was doing something right.
Today I exercised my chest and triceps. I recently have been following a popular YouTube guy named Jonathan Ross Barthel (Click Here View Barthel Fitness). Yesterday for the first time i tried his Ebook routine that he posted. My workout started off with some cardio on the bike for a warm up for 10 minutes. Next We went to do flat dumbbell bench press, i start with a very light weight of only 25 lbs and do 25 reps. I do this because i want to stretch and wake-up my upper body muscles before i use alot of weight. This technique allows me to stretch my shoulders and chest very well that way i can use my full ROM (Range of Motion) and get the best pump out of my sets possible. Barthel's chest program has a new strategy than previous ones i have tried... His technique is to do your set, wait 15 seconds, then do as many push ups until failure (or until your body falls and remains on the ground).This strategy gave me one of the best chest pumps i have ever gotten. As you do more sets you may become more fatigued and get less push ups each time. Here is how my workout went.
Bike-10 minute Warm up
Flat Dumbbell Bench
Set 1: 25 lbs per hand x 25
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 push ups(until failure)
Set 2: 45lbs per hand x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 20 push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 60 lbs per hand 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 push ups(until failure)
Set 4: Completed 15 push ups(until failure)
Tricept Extension Machine
Set 1: 100 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips (until failure)
Set 2: 120 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips(until failure)
Set 3: 130 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 15 Dips(until failure)
Set 4: 140 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Dips(until failure)
Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 95 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Push ups (until failure)
Set 2: 120 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 150 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Push ups(until failure)
Set 4: 170 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 6 Push ups(until failure)
Next I used a dumb bell, sat on a bench, raised the dumb bell above my head, bending my elbows, i lower it behind my head and extend my elbows to work my tricepts. This is another version of a tricept extension.
Seated Tricept Extension #2
Set 1: 50 Lbs x 15
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 10 Dips (until failure)
Set 2: 65 lbs x 12
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Dips(until failure)
Set 3: 75 lbs x 10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 7 Dips(until failure)
Set 4: 90 lbs x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Dips(until failure)
Peck Fly's
Set 1: 25 lbs per arm x10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 8 Push ups(until failure)
Set 2: 30 lbs per arm x10
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 5 Push ups(until failure)
Set 3: 35 lbs per arm x8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 4 Push ups(until failure)
Set 4: 40 lbs per arm x 8
Wait 15 seconds, Completed 4 Push ups(until failure)
The pump i experienced i would rate 5 stars. I did a fer other minor exercises, but they were not what i would consider a major bulking routine, more so, burn out sets. Today i am VERY sore =)! Looks like i was doing something right.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Videos in the making =)
give me a couple of days to put together a good video. im new to this haha. got a great webcam.
Monday, March 21, 2011
My Story So Far...
I first started working out my Junior year of high school. I quickly got hooked, and I love to workout and go to the gym with friends and live a very healthy life! My diet is GREAT, my workouts are HARD and I regularly push my limits in the gym. Over the past couple of years i have come such a LONG way. My Gains have been very solid, lean and I'v put on much mass. I have a lot of goals both short term and long term. Some goals i plan to reach within the next month, while others may take me a year or two. My friends and family have been such great support to me. And now i'm looking to you all out there reading this blog so we both can benefit from it and get stronger! I will be making many videos and uploading them for your enjoyment.
2008 Starting Stats (Twig status):
-125 Pounds of weakness
-5 Foot 9 inches
-11 inch arms (Twigs)
-No cardio
-Max Bench:80lbs
-Max Squat:175lbs
-Max Curl:25lbs
2011 Stats (3/20/11):
-155 Lbs. 8-9% bodyfat
-5 Foot 10 inches
-18'' Bicepts
-Great Cardio and stamina
-33'' Waist
-Max Bench:210lbs
-Max Squat:410lbs
-Max Curl:55lbs Per Arm
Its been 3 months since the wrist sergury (Will upload pics very soon) and i got back into the gym a month ago, and im feeling strong as ever!
2008 Starting Stats (Twig status):
-125 Pounds of weakness
-5 Foot 9 inches
-11 inch arms (Twigs)
-No cardio
-Max Bench:80lbs
-Max Squat:175lbs
-Max Curl:25lbs
2011 Stats (3/20/11):
-155 Lbs. 8-9% bodyfat
-5 Foot 10 inches
-18'' Bicepts
-Great Cardio and stamina
-33'' Waist
-Max Bench:210lbs
-Max Squat:410lbs
-Max Curl:55lbs Per Arm
Its been 3 months since the wrist sergury (Will upload pics very soon) and i got back into the gym a month ago, and im feeling strong as ever!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
New Blog in the works. Keep an eye out for me!
I am currently designing my blog. Cant wait to see the cool people i will meet and talk with!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The EBook i read and learned almost everything i know from.
I give their information 5 stars! Was worth this small price to properly EDUCATE myself on all topics around the Bodybuilding, general health, or fitness scene. Information i use both inside and outside my gym.
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